Artic Blast
January 09, 2024
Inclement weather is coming our way. This is a friendly reminder, for anyone that has a meter with Slocum WSC, if you live in the area please take precaution for the freezing temps that are coming by wrapping pipes, making sure you have everything you may need in case the electricity goes out, or the water freezes up. Bottled water for instance, draw up jugs of water just in case, extra blankets, firewood, propane etc. Also if you do not live in the area but you have a meter with Slocum WSC please make sure your meter is turned off and pipes are drained to keep them from freezing and busting which causes a large water bill for you, and a headache for the operators trying to keep water in the system for the customers that do live in the area. Company and Customer team work is what makes a Water System work. Stay as warm as possible, check on a neighbor if you need to, and be curtious and kind to others. Thank you.