Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

Present Standard Rates

Monthly Minimum:
0 Up to 2,000 gallons $4.00
2,001 up to 6,000 gallons $5.00
6,001 up to 10,000 gallons $6.00
10,001 and up $7.00

Our community's water meters are read each month. Please contact our office for any additional information.

New Service Fee

Installation of a new tap and meter $2375.00
Cost breakdown
Membership $325.00
Buy In Equity fee $900.00
Installation fee $1150.00

For new water service, if the customers property is located on the opposite side of the road from the water systems main line, then it is the customers responsibility to cover the cost of a road boar to receive water. Road boars start at $1500 and could be more depending on location of property.

For more information you can contact our Chief Operator, Brian Chapin.

Re Service an existing tap

Install a meter in an existing tap $575.00
Cost breakdown
Membership $325.00
Re-service tap $250.00