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June Monthly Meeting


5720 E ST HWY 294; ELKHART, TX 75839

(903) 478-3486



Notice is hereby given that Slocum Water Supply Corporation will meet in regular session on Thursday June 13, 2024, at 6:00 pm at the Corporation’s office located on E. St Hwy 294 across from Slocum I.S.D. for the purpose of considering and acting upon the following:


  1. Call to order and establish quorum.


  1.        Recognize Board of Directors present/absent.


            III.        Recognize Employees present/absent.


  1.      Recognize Guests present:


  1. Read for approval of minutes from the May 16, 2024, regular monthly                                                                                                           meeting,


  1. Guest Participation: (5-minute time limit per guest)


                VII.      The Board will return to open session & take action on guest concerns.


            VIII.     Read for approval of financial statement and payment of bills.


  1. Operator's Report:

Discuss and review any system wide issues and task to be done.


  1.  Secretary's Report:


  1. President’s Report:

Discuss and review any system wide issues and task to be done.


XII.      Executive Session:

                        THE GOVERNING BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILL MEET IN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS THEIR DUTIES, ROLES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES AS DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION, PENDING OR CONTEMPLATED LITIGATION, SETTLEMENT OFFERS, AND/OR THE APPOINTMENT, EMPLOYMENT, EVALUATION, REASSIGNMENT, DUTIES, AS PERMITTED BY CHAPTER 551, GOVT. CODE, THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT.            No action, decision or vote regarding any matter discussed in closed session shall be      made in the absence of further notice issued in accordance with Chapter 551, Government Code.


                XIII.      Board will return to open session & take action on items discussed in                                 Executive Session if necessary


            XIV.     ADJOURNMENT.